Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.2 Manutenção Estrutural Baseada na Fiabilidade > Publicações

Guedes Soares, C. e Garbatov, Y. (1998), “Minimum Fatigue Reliability of Maintained Ship Structures”, Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 7.5 Working Conference, Krakov, Polónia, 11-13 Maio, pp. 153-163

A formulation is presented for the assessment of the minimum reliability of a ship hull with respect to fatigue failure of the longitudinal members subjected to different maintenance policies. The model allows for the existence of multiple cracks and it accounts for the crack growth process. The miship section modulus is described by a stochastic process and the resulting reliability is quantified. The fatigue reliability is predicted by a time variant formulation. A Monte Carlo simulation is carried out in order to determine the minimum reliability experienced by the ship life with different types of maintenance. The sensibility of the minimum reliability estimates with respect to several parameters is also studied. The interval between inspections is chosen so as to satisfy a target minimum reliability level.

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