Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.2 Manutenção Estrutural Baseada na Fiabilidade > Publicações

Garbatov, Y. e Guedes Soares, C. (2011), “Fatigue Reliability Assessment of Welded Joints of Very Fast Ferry Accounting for Vehicle Loads”, Int J Maritime Engineering (RINA Transactions Part A), Vol. 153(Part A), pp. A231-A241

This work deals with the fatigue reliability assessment of a welded joint in a longitudinal stiffener of trapezoidal shape in a very fast ferry. Based on the analysis of wave and cargo induced loads the ship hull structure is evaluated. The local structure is represented by a longitudinal stiffener with a trapezoidal transverse section. The critical hot-spots and the stress distributions are defined by FEM. The fatigue damage assessment of considered hot spots is analysed accounting for the combination of wave induced and car-breaking transient loadings. The formulation for the assessment of the welded steel joint is based on the S-N approach and FORM/SORM techniques are applied to evaluate the reliability against fatigue failure accounting for corrosion deterioration. The structural system composed by several hot spots is evaluated as a series system based on second order reliability bounds.

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