
Dias, A.S., Abreu, A.F., Abreu, J.C. e Quaresma Dias, J. (2011), “TRIZ and non TRIZ tools”, International Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI 2011), 28-30 Novembro, Covilhã, Portugal

The subjects presented are dedicate to Systematic Innovation in Engineering and respective projects, products and services. The aim of this paper is understand the role of the TRIZ tools when mixed with nom-TRIZ tools. We processed a literature review and some case studies available fundamentally in the web of Science. We conclude that, currently, the researchers use the various methods integrated in platforms. The Case Based Reasoning (CBR) tool is often used in conjunction with the TRIZ and we consider this as relevant evidence. However many other combinations have been used by researchers as this article shows.

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