
Jacinto, C. e Silva, C. (2008), “Application of the bow-tie approach in a semi-quantitative assessment of occupational risks”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference "Working on Safety" (WOS ´08), 30 Setembro-3 Outubro, Crete, Greece

The bowtie diagram is becoming increasingly popular and since 2006 its use is quickly spreading to the field of occupational safety. This paper describes an application of the bowtie approach in a large shipyard, whose main activity is to build and repair ships, mainly for the Portuguese Navy. The objective of this work was to explore the applicability and usefulness of new techniques that could be adopted internally (as alternatives) for assessing the risk of occupational accidents. Several assessments were carried out in the shipyard’s technical area of “surface treatment and coating”, which comprises three main production processes and workshops: steel blasting, electroplating and dry dock airless painting. This paper presents the bowtie diagram applied to a particular type of accident in the airless painting process of a ship’s outer hull. The methodology developed in this case uses the bowtie diagram mostly as a qualitative tool for identifying the relevant causes and consequences of the accident type under analysis; it also pinpoints the applicable prevention and protection barriers for eliminating, reducing or attenuating the effects of such accident risk.

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