Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.3 Resistência de Estruturas ao Impacto > Publicações

Liu, B., Zhu, L. e Guedes Soares, C. (2019), “Numerical assessment of the crashworthiness of ship double-hull structures in grounding”, Third International Conference on Safety and Reliability of Ships, Offshore & Subsea Structures (SAROSS 2018), 23-24 May, Wuhan, China

The paper presents finite element simulations of ship grounding in order to examine the energy absorbing mechanisms and fracture of ship bottom. The mean values of accident statistics are taken to define the ship grounding depth and location, the seabed shape and size. The grounding simulations of ship double bottom structures are performed by the LS-DYNA to analyse the structural crashworthiness. It is of considerable practical importance to estimate the extent of structural deformation during grounding accidents.

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