Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.1 Resistência Última de Estruturas > Publicações

Zhang, J., Wang, ZK. and Guedes Soares, C. (2021), “Lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by sleeper with lateral constraint”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 234, 109306 (12 pages)

In order to mitigate the maximum displacement and stress in lateral buckling of subsea pipelines triggered by sleeper, lateral constraint can be installed at the ends of sleeper to restrict the deflection of the buckled pipeline. In this study, mathematical models are proposed and analytical solutions are derived by considering the contact between the buckled pipeline and lateral constraint at the ends of sleeper. The influence of the sleeper length on the buckled configurations and typical buckling behaviour is investigated, focusing on the process after the buckled pipeline contacts with the lateral constraint. The amplitudes of deflection and stress along the buckled pipeline are compared to determine the maximum deflection and maximum stress. A parametric analysis is carried out to show the effect of sleeper length on the maximum stress and the contact concentrated force between the pipeline and lateral constraint. The results show that both the maximum deflection and maximum stress along the buckled pipeline become smaller compared to the case without lateral constraint after the buckled pipeline contacts with the lateral constraint. A reasonable sleeper length should be selected during the design to keep the horizontal force acting on the sleeper system in a controlled level.

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