Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.1 Resistência Última de Estruturas > Publicações

Garbatov, Y., Parunov, J., Kodvanj, J., Saad-Eldeen, S. and Guedes Soares, C. (2016), “Experimental assessment of tensile strength of corroded steel specimens subjected to sandblast and sandpaper cleaning”, Marine Structures, Vol. 49, pp. 18-30

Experimental assessment of tensile strength of small scale steel corroded specimens is performed. The specimens were cut from a box girder, initially corroded in sea water conditions and later the specimens were subjected to sandblast and sandpaper cleaning. As a result of the tension tests, the mechanical properties of three groups of specimens, including non-maintained intact corroded, sandblasted, and sandpaper cleaned, are determined, estimating the modulus of elasticity, yield stress, tensile strength, total uniform elongation and n and K strength parameters. Regression equations of the material properties are derived as a function of the degree of corrosion and maintenance actions. It is shown that these two methods of removing corrosion products from the surface of plate specimens have different effects on their mechanical properties and stress-strain relationship. Based on the achieved results a simplified stress-strain cures accounting for the corrosion degradation and maintenance actions are developed that may be used for non-linear finite element analyses of ageing structures.

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