Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.1 Resistência Última de Estruturas > Publicações

Chen, BQ. e Guedes Soares, C. (2016), “Effect of welding sequence on the residual stress distribution in a stiffened plate”, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2016), 19-24 June, Busan, South Korea

This work investigates the temperature distribution, deformation and residual stress in steel plates as a result of different sequences of welding. The single-pass gas tungsten arc welding process is simulated by a three dimensional nonlinear thermo-elasto-plastic approach. It is observed that the distribution of residual stress varies through the direction of plate thickness. It is concluded that the welding sequence affects not only the welding deformation but also the residual stress mainly in the lower layer of the plates. An in-depth discussion on the pattern of residual stress distribution is presented, especially on the width of the tension zone. Smaller residual tension zone and slightly lower compressive stress are found in thicker plate.

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