Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.3 Manobrabilidade e Controlo de Navios > Publicações

Sutulo, S., Moreira L. e Guedes Soares, C. (2002), “Mathematical Models for Ship Path Prediction in Manoeuvring Simulation Systems”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 29, Issue 1, pp.1-19

The problem of simulating the ship manoeuvring motion is studied mainly in connection with manoeuvring simulators. Several possible levels of solution to the problem with different degree of complexity and accuracy are discussed. It is shown that the structure of the generic manoeuvring mathematical model leads naturally to two basic approaches based respectively on dynamic and purely kinematic prediction models. A simplified but fast dynamic manoeuvring model is proposed as well as two new advances in kinematic prediction methods: a prediction based on current values of velocities and accelerations and a method of anticipating the ship’s trajectory in a course changing manoeuvre.

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