Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.3 Manobrabilidade e Controlo de Navios > Publicações

Wang, Zi., Guedes Soares, C. and Zou, Z.J. (2020), “Optimal design of excitation signal for identification of nonlinear ship manoeuvring model”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 196, pp. 106778-1 - 106778-10

An optimal design scheme of excitation signals is presented to determine the training data that provides the maximum dynamic information to improve the stability and accuracy of the identification of the ship manoeuvring model. The multi-level pseudo-random sequence is selected as the optimized object for covering the maximum nonlinear dynamic characteristics. The amount of information is quantified by the D-optimality criterion, and the optimal solution is calculated by the ant colony optimization algorithm. Monte Carlo analysis and generalization validation are conducted to evaluate the optimized signals. The superiority of the optimized excitation signal is demonstrated by comparing with the widely used zigzag manoeuvre signal. In the presence of noise interference, the application of the optimized training data reduces the variances of parameter estimation and improves the generalization ability of the identified model, especially for the surge equation.

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