Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.3 Manobrabilidade e Controlo de Navios > Publicações

Sutulo, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2015), “Preliminary analysis of ship manoeuvrability criteria in wind”, Maritime Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C. & Santos T.A. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, pp. 933-946

The problem of standardizing ship manoeuvring qualities under wind action is discussed in detail. The most general formulation is analysed and further reduced to the problem of equilibrium in steady motion for which an analytic solution was obtained in the case of a linearized ship mathematical model. Unlike in other similar solutions, relationships between the parameters of the relative wind and the ship course/heading and the absolute wind speed were explicitly established. Numerical results obtained for a generic mathematical model illustrate qualitative dependence of the degree of ship controllability in wind on its degree of directional stability and configuration of the windage area.

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