Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.1 Dinâmica de Flutuadores Ancorados > Publicações

Mantari, J.L., Ribeiro e Silva, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2009), “Variations on transverse stability of fishing vessels due to fishing gear pull and waves”, Actas do XXI Congresso Panamericano de Ingenieria Naval (COPINAVAL´09), 18 - 22 October, Montevideo, Uruguay

A critical review of IMO transverse intact stability criteria for fishing vessels is presented. The analysis of reduction of dynamic transverse stability of fishing vessels due to fishing gear pull moment has been investigated and hazards associated with the pure loss of transverse stability in longitudinal waves has been also pointed out. In this study, first a set of fishing vessels from the Portuguese and Peruvian fleets has been considered to evaluate the intact stability in longitudinal waves considering water surface elevation effect. Secondly, the transverse stability results of fishing vessels operating in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have been compared with IMO intact stability code and some other applicable rules. Hence, some conclusions were drawn and comments were devised about IMO currents aims in respect to prevention of capsizing due to fishing gear pull and importance of rough weather criteria in beam waves. Finally, some recommendations on utilization of different kind of fishing arts and different deck equipment layouts are also presented taking into account their influence onto ship’s transverse stability.

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