Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.1 Dinâmica de Flutuadores Ancorados > Publicações

Fonseca, N., Ribeiro e Silva, S. e Pessoa, J. (2011), “Numerical modelling and assessment of the UGEN floating Wave Energy Converter”, Trans RINA, Vol 153, Part A2, International Journal of Maritime Engineering, pp. A115-A124

The paper presents a linear hydrodynamic model for the UGEN wave energy converter, an analysis of the dynamics of the system and the predicted ability to extract energy from the waves. The UGEN (floating device with a U tank for GENeration of electricity from waves) consists of an asymmetric floater with a large internal U tank filled with water, where the energy is extracted from the relative motion between the water inside the tank and the rolling of the floater. The floater rolling mode of motion is the main stimulator of the motion of the water in the tank, however the sway and heave motions are also coupled therefore the system has the potential to absorb the wave energy from three modes of motion.

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