Grupo de Ambiente Marinho > 1.1 Modelos espectrais e modelos de séries temporais da Agitação Marítima > Publicações

Guedes Soares, C., Cherneva, Z. e Antão, E.M. (2003), “Characteristics of Abnormal Waves in North Sea Storm Sea States”, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 25, N. º 6, pp. 337-344

A data from the North Sea are analysed. Using a definition of genuine freak waves eight of maximum wind waves during one storm are defined like abnormal waves. Twenty-four maximum waves larger than 10m with big vertical asymmetry are chosen for further analysis. Their individual characteristics are investigated in dependence of global sea state characteristics. A comparison between measured data and second-order theory and tank modelling is made. The results for chosen waves not coincide with predictions of second-order theory. Supposing that wind wave is second- and third-order non-linear a new relationship between skewness and kurtosis for the extremely asymmetric large maximum waves is proposed. It differs from that one used in engineering practice. Another relationship between kurtosis and Abnormality Index of maximum waves, independently of that are they abnormal or not, is proposed too.

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