Grupo de Ambiente Marinho > 1.2 Modelos Probabilísticos de Parâmetros da Agitação Marítima > Publicações

Dong, S., Tao, S., Li, X. e Guedes Soares, C. (2015), “Trivariate Maximum Entropy Distribution of Significant Wave Height, Wind Speed and Relative Direction”, Renewable Energy, Vol 78, pp. 538-549

A trivariate maximum entropy distribution of significant wave heights, wind speeds and the relative directions is proposed. In order to construct this novel model, the modified maximum entropy distribution is firstly adopted to fit these three variables as marginal distributions. Then a data set can be transformed into an equivalent normal distribution under the assumption that both the cumulative frequency value and the probability density value are equal at a given set of variables. A trivariate normal distribution is thus adopted to calculate the joint probability of significant wave heights, wind speeds and relative directions. The case study shows that, based on hindcast data from one position of the North Atlantic Ocean, the proposed trivariate models are sufficiently good to fit the data, and the joint design criteria is also presented.

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