
Ponce de Léon, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2005), “On the Sheltering Effect of Islands in Ocean Wave Models”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, C09020

This study shows the shadowing effect of Azores Islands for three certain wave conditions: first, when they come from SW, second, coming from W and finally when they come from the NW in the region of Azores. The sheltering effect of the Islands “protecting the Portugal coasts somehow” was demonstrated with a reduction by 1 or 2 meters of significant wave height, when comparing with the not real case when the Azores are absent. As the result of sheltering, the arrival to Portugal of the Hs wave front is delayed. All cases analyzed correspond to wave fields associated with the storms crossing over the Azores. From the 88 days of simulation with a Third Generation Wave Model (WAM-pro), it was observed a notorious sheltering effect to the East of Islands, in February 1994. The adequated conditions for the phenomenum of sheltering were observed during three days and extends upto the coast. The wind fields come from the ongoing HIPOCAS EC Project. Portugal coasts are sheltered by the Azores Islands depending of the direction of the arriving swell.

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