Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit their abstract(s) of about 300 words on any of the referred topics. Abstracts should be uploaded directly on the Conference website. After abstract acceptance, the full paper can be submitted, by consulting and using the paper template file.
Accepted papers will only be published in the conference proceedings under the condition that at least one of the authors is registered. Registered authors can present a maximum of two papers.
The papers presented at MARTECH Conference will be included in the Proceedings of the Conference to be published in book and USB format. Proceedings will be published by Taylor & Francis Group.
The official language of the MARTECH Conference is English. No simultaneous translations will be available.
Instructions for Oral Presentation of Papers
Presenters will have 20 minutes to present his/her paper and approximately 3 minutes to reply to any questions made by the audience. Presenters are asked to arrive in the technical session room 15 minutes before the scheduled start, to meet with the Session Chairman.
MARTECH 2022 1st Announcement and Call for Papers