Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.2 Manutenção Estrutural Baseada na Fiabilidade > Publicações

Garbatov, Y., Vodkadzhiev, I. e Guedes Soares, C. (2004), “Corrosion Wastage Assessment of Deck Structures of Bulk Carriers”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Marine Science and Technology (BlackSea´04), 7-9 Outubro, Varna, Bulgária, pp. 24-32

The work presented here analyses corrosion wastage of deck hull structures of bulk carriers. Different corrosion models are briefly reviewed. The flexibility of a non-linear corrosion wastage model to represent realistic situations is evaluated and corrosion rates for ship plates as a function of different areas of the ship hull are established. Comparisons of corrosion wastage for various structures are given and several conclusions are derived.

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