Grupo de Segurança e Logística do Transporte Marítimo > 5.2 Manutenção Estrutural Baseada na Fiabilidade > Publicações

Zayed, A., Garbatov, Y. e Guedes Soares, C. (2008), “Nondestructive Corrosion Inspection Modelling of Tanker Structures”, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (OMAE´08), 15-20 June, Estoril, Portugal, ASME, New York, Paper OMAE2008- 57500

A mathematical model is proposed to evaluate the effect of different factors affecting inspection performance of a ship hull subjected to corrosion. Various formulations are proposed to estimate the probability of detection and non-detection of corrosion degradation based on a mathematical model describing the corrosion degradation of the ship hull though her lifetime. The model proposed is adapted to two sets of corrosion data of deck plates of ballast and cargo tanks of oil tankers.

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