Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.3 Resistência de Estruturas ao Impacto > Publicações

Liu, B., Villavicencio, R., Zhang, S. and Guedes Soares, C. (2017), “Assessment of external dynamics and internal mechanics in ship collisions”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 141, pp. 326-336

The paper compares two present methods based on finite element simulations to assess the external dynamics and the internal mechanics in ship collisions. One method treats independently the external dynamics and the internal mechanics (decoupled method), while the other method couples their interaction (coupled method). In the decoupled method, the external dynamics are evaluated by the analytical approach of Pedersen and Zhang (1998), and the internal mechanics are assessed by simulations performed with the LS-DYNA finite element solver. In the coupled method, both the external dynamics and the internal mechanics are evaluated directly by numerical simulations that follow the model of Pill and Tabri (2011). The two methods are compared to analyse the differences in predicting the deformation and rupture of the colliding ship structures and to assess the relationship between the structural deformation energy of the struck ship and the energy loss of the striking ship. The paper also evaluates the influence of the added mass coefficients, the impact location and the collision angle on the mechanics of ship collisions.

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