Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.1 Resistência Última de Estruturas > Publicações

Guedes Soares, C., Luís, R.M., Nikolov, P., Dowes, J., Taczala, M., Modiga, M., Quesnel, T., Toderan, C. and Samuelides, M. (2008), “Benchmark study on the use of simplified structural codes to predict the ultimate strength of a damaged ship hull”, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 55, pp. 87-107

The ability of vessels to resist the longitudinal loading is probably the most important aspect of ship project. The Smith method is universally considered the most efficient method for the calculation of the ultimate longitudinal strength of the ship under bending moment. Across time, several authors have developed formulations for the definition of the stress-strain curves used by the method to calculate the force applied at each element. These new formulations intend to give more precision to the method. This resulted in a series of simplified structural codes to predict the ship ultimate strength. It is the objective of this work to study the ability of these simplified codes to predict the ultimate strength of damaged ships. Several investigation groups are involved in this study. Each of them has developed their own codes, either alone or in cooperation work. All of these codes are to be evaluated against the ultimate strength of a damaged ship calculated using a finite element software commercially available. However, first the study compares the results obtained by the codes for the same ship but intact, in order to evaluate the differences between them.

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