Grupo de Estruturas Navais > 3.1 Resistência Última de Estruturas > Publicações

Guedes Soares, C. e Soreide, T.H. (1983), “Behaviour and Design of Stiffened Plates Under Predominantly Compressive Loads”, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 30, Nº 341, pp. 13-27

Consideration is given to the behaviour of unstiffened plate elements and of stiffened panels. The main parameters that influence their load-carrying capacity are identified and their effects are discussed. Existing methods to predict plate strength are presented and a special treatment is provided of simplified methods for use and design work. A series of calculations is performed with various design methods to provide a basis for comparison. Predictions of the simplified methods are compared with experimental results and numerical calculations to assess the accuracy of present day stiffened plate design methods.

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