Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.2 Movimentos Não-Lineares Induzidos pelas Ondas > Publicações

Turk, A., Prpić-Oršić, J., Ribeiro e Silva, S. e Guedes Soares, C. (2010), “Methods for Estimating Parametric Rolling”, Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention, Guedes Soares, C. and Parunov, J. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, Londres, UK, pp. 43-54

Parametric roll resonance is known as one of dangerous modes of ship motions in waves. This resonance occurs as a result of restoring variation in astern or head seas. Pure loss of stability, due to exponential increase of roll in either broaching to or head sea conditions, causes new losses of containers in seas and accidents of container vessels particularly for a new generation of post-Panamax ships. This paper focuses on the parametric resonance observed in head seas for a post-Panamax, C11 class containership which proved to be particularly prone to exhibit this behaviour. The calculations and checks for particular vessels are done for the design wave and ahead speed which will most likely lead to the development of parametric roll. Using a time-domain, non-linear numerical model of ship's motions in 6 degrees-of-freedom analysis for regular following waves is presented for a C11 class containership (severity criteria).

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