Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.2 Movimentos Não-Lineares Induzidos pelas Ondas > Publicações

Karmakar, D., Bagbanci, H. e Guedes Soares, C. (2016), “Long-term extreme load prediction of spar and semisubmersible floating wind turbines using the Environmental Contour Method”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Vol. 138, pp. 021601-1 - 021601-9

In the present study, the environmental contour method is used to estimate the long-term joint probability distribution of extreme loads for different types of offshore floating wind turbines. The study is carried out in order to predict the out of plane bending moment (OoPBM) loads at the blade root and tower base moment (TBM) loads for a 5MW offshore floating wind turbine of different floater configuration. A spar and semi-submersible offshore floating wind turbines are considered for the analysis. The FAST code is used to simulate the wind conditions for various return periods and the design loads of various floating wind turbine configurations. The present study predicts long-term design loads for wind turbines without requiring excessive computational effort.

Peça uma cópia desta publicação on 01/15/2016

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