Grupo de Dinâmica e Hidrodinâmica de Navios > 2.1 Dinâmica de Flutuadores Ancorados > Publicações

Ahmed, Y., Fonfach, J.M.A. e Guedes Soares, C. (2010), “Numerical Simulation for the Flow around the Hull of the DTMB Model 5415 at Different Speeds”, International Reivew of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), Vol. 4, N. 7, pp. 957 – 964

The free surface flow pattern around the hull of the DTMB model 5415 at two speeds has been investigated using a potential flow code based on the Rankine source method. The incompressible turbulent viscous flow around the hull form of the model has been simulated at the same Froude numbers using a RANSE code. Two models have been developed with the CFD code. In one, the free surface has been treated as a plane of symmetry in order to complement the viscous resistance values obtained with the potential code. In a second application, the total ship capture to determine the position of the free surface through the volume fractions in each fluid phase. The simulation conditions are the ones for which experimental and numerical results exist. The standard turbulence model has been used in the CFD code. The grid generator of the CFD code has been used for generating an hybrid grid made of an unstructured tetrahedral grid complemented by a layer of structured grid of prismatic elements around the hull and free surface. Quadrilateral structured patches were used with the potential flow code for meshing the DTMB model hull surface and the water surface around it. The results compare well with the available experimental data and they allow an understanding of the differences that can be expected from viscous and potential flow methods as a result of their different mathematical formulations. It is demonstrated that the complementary application of these methods allows good predictions of the total ship resistance.

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