Grupo de Ambiente Marinho > 1.1 Modelos espectrais e modelos de séries temporais da Agitação Marítima > Publicações

Lucas, C., Muraleedharan, G. e Guedes Soares, C. (2012), “Regional extreme frequency analysis in the North Altantic ocean during the summer season”, Sustainable Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources, E. Rizzuto, C. Guedes Soares, (Eds.), Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 891-901

Knowledge of the frequency of extreme wave heights of a given magnitude is very important as design of floating and fixed marine structures mainly rely on it. But, frequencies of these extreme quantiles are rare and hence it is difficult to estimate. Regional frequency analysis resolves this problem by “trading space for time”; data from several identical sites are used to estimate the regional extreme quantile frequencies. L-moments facilitate the estimation process in regional frequency analysis. The North Atlantic Ocean becomes very rough during winter season (December to February) and daily maximum wave height distributions vary spatially. Preliminary studies reveal that the regional frequency analysis (RFA) based on L-moments is an effective tool for identifying the discordant sites, formation of homogeneous regions, selection of appropriate regional frequency distributions and estimation of regional extreme quantiles. RFA will be an effective tool if the at-site quantiles of a homogeneous sub-region is comparably worthy with the sub-regional quantiles. Hence estimation of at-site frequency distribution, which is the regional frequency distribution of the sub-region that includes the sites, is carried out. Then at-site quantiles are generated. It is found that the extreme quantiles of designated frequencies are in accordance with regional quantiles. This investigation explores the possibility of regional frequency analysis, based on L-moments for extreme wave analysis. The deep water daily maximum wave heights off Portugal (25 equally spaced sites of grid size 0.5o,geographical location: 40o-60oN, -33o--13oW) spread over a period from 1958 to 1978 (21 years) in the winter season (December to February) and extracted from 44 years (1958-2001) North Atlantic Ocean Wave data (HIPOCAS) are used for this study. The FORTRAN routines for the execution of the regional frequency analysis algorithm are provided by IBM, Research Division, New York.

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