Grupo de Ambiente Marinho > 1.1 Modelos espectrais e modelos de séries temporais da Agitação Marítima > Publicações

Veltcheva, A.D. e Guedes Soares, C. (2011), “Application of the Hilbert Huang Transform analysis to sea waves”, Maritime Engineering and Technology, Guedes Soares et al. (Eds),Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 269-278

The Hilbert Huang Transform method is applied to analyze the field wave records, containing wave groups and abnormal high waves. The ability of Empirical Mode Decomposition to extract the different oscillation modes, embedded in the sea surface elevation records, is demonstrated. The Hilbert spectrum is used as a detector of individual wave groups. The necessary condition for existence of wave grouping is determined on the base of the results of decomposition of wave data. The amplitude and instantaneous frequency of intrinsic mode functions are examined around the time of the occurrence of abnormal wave and the main contributors for the reconstruction of abnormal waves’ profile are revealed.

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