Grupo de Ambiente Marinho > 1.2 Modelos Probabilísticos de Parâmetros da Agitação Marítima > Publicações

Perera, L.P. e Guedes Soares, C. (2017), “Weather Routing and Safe Ship Handling in the Future of Shipping”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 130, pp. 684-695

This paper focuses on an overview of weather routing and safe ship handling approaches in the future of shipping. Weather routing provides the recommendations on transportation routes prior to and during ship sailing under various navigation constraints by considering global weather forecasts. Safe ship handling provides the recommendations on ship position, heading and speed conditions that should be followed to achieve the previously recommended ship route (i.e. under weather routing) by considering various local weather conditions. Therefore, both approaches that complement each other should be implemented extensively to achieve optimal and safe navigation conditions in ship navigation. This approach can also reduce environmental pollution including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the shipping industry that have been extensively regulated by IMO and other maritime authorities.

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